AI Service > Face Recognition > API v1.0 Guide

  • This document describes the APIs required for using Face Recognition API v1.0.

Common API Information


  • To use APIs, an integrated project Appkey or service Appkey is required.
    • We recommend using the integrated project Appkey.
      • You can create and use the integrated project Appkey from the API security settings in the project settings page.
    • The service Appkey is located in the URL & Appkey menu on the top of the console.

Request Common Information

[API domain]


Input Image Guide

  • Face images must be at least 80*80 px in width and height.
    • The face size must be at least 60*60 px to be eligible for facial recognition.
    • As the image gets bigger, the minimum face size must get bigger as well for better facial recognition precision.
    • The bigger the proportion of the face area in the image, the more precise the facial recognition.
  • In the input image, both left/right angle(Yaw) and up/down angle(Pitch) of the face must be 45 degrees or less.
  • Max image size: up to 3MB(3,000,000Byte)
  • Supported image formats: PNG, JPEG
  • If you specify the port directly in the image URL, only ports 80, 443, 10000-12000 can be used.

Common Response Information

  • Returns '200 OK' for all API requests. For more information on the response results, see Response Body Header.

[Response Body Header]

Name Type Description
header.isSuccessful boolean true: normal
false: error
header.resultCode int 0: normal
bigger than 0: partial success
negative number: error
header.resultMessage string "Success": normal
other: returns error message

[Success response body example]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success"

[Failure response body example]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": false,
        "resultCode": -40000,
        "resultMessage": "InvalidParam"

API Contents

Create Groups

  • This API creates groups. You can use Register Face to a created group to register faces.



Method URI
POST /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey

[Request Body]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
groupId string O [a-z0-9-]{1,255} "my-group" Group ID registered by user
Request example
$ curl -X POST '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -d '{
    "groupId": "my-group"


Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40010 InvalidGroupID Group ID error
-40020 DuplicatedGroupID Duplicate group ID
-40070 ServiceQuotaExceededException Exceeded the maximum number of groups you can create
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Group List

  • This API views the list of groups.



Method URI
GET /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey

[URL Parameter]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
limit int O 1 ~ 200 100 Max size
next-token string "skljsdioew..." Value returned from 'Group list response body data'
If the result is partially truncated, the next-token can be used to bring the rest of the result
  • Caution
    • In the beginning, the next-token cannot exist.
    • The token may disappear at a specific time or under specific conditions.
    • Upon issuing the token, the limit becomes fixed.
  • Scenario example

  • Initial query

Request example
$ curl -X GET '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups?limit={limit}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8'
  • Requested using the next-token contained in the 'Group list response body data'
Request example
$ curl -X GET '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups?limit={limit}&next-token={next-token}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8'
  • If the next-token exists, the limit cannot be changed, and it is auto-set to the value from when the token was issued


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.groupCount int O 2 Number of groups
data.groups[].groupId string O "group-id" Group IDs registered by user
data.groups[].modelVersion string O "v1.0" Face recognition model version info
data.nextToken string O "dlkj-210jwoivndslko9d..." Token to be used for paging
If the result is partially truncated, the next-token can be used to bring the rest of the result
Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": {
        "groupCount": 2,
        "groups": [{
            "groupId": "group-id",
            "modelVersion": "v1.0"
        }, {
            "groupId": "my-group",
            "modelVersion": "v1.0"

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40040 InvalidTokenError Invalid token used
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Group Details

  • This API views details of a specific group, such as group ID, model version, number of faces registered in the group, etc.



Method URI
GET /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey
group-id Group ID registered by user
Request example
$ curl -X GET '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8'


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.groupCount int O 1 Number of groups
data.groups[].groupId string O "group-id" Group IDs registered by user
data.groups[].modelVersion string O "v1.0" Face recognition model version info
data.groups[].createTime string O "2020-11-04T12:36:24" Time when the group was created
data.groups[].faceCount int 365 Number of faces registered in the group
Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": {
        "groupCount": 1,
        "groups": [{
            "groupId": "group-id",
            "modelVersion": "v1.0",
            "createTime": "2020-09-29T14:34:12",
            "faceCount": 365

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Delete Group

  • This API permanently deletes a group and all face information of the group.



Method URI
DELETE /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey
group-id Group ID registered by user
Request example
$ curl -X DELETE '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' 


Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Recognize Face

  • This API recognizes faces from input image.
  • Returns the position data of the face, eyes, nose, and moth and the confidence value from the recognized face.
  • Recognizes up to 20 faces from the input image in the order from the largest to smallest face.
  • The input image can be delivered via Base64-encoded image bytes or image url.
  • To find out more about input image, see Input Image Guide.



Method URI
POST /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/detect

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey

[Request Body]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
image object O - Image to use for face recognition
image.url string "https://..." Image URL
image.bytes blob "/0j3Ohdk==..." Base64-encoded Image bytes
orientation bool true true, false false Whether to use face orientation recognition function
mask bool true true, false false Whether to use the mask wear recognition function
  • Must have only one of either image.url or image.bytes.
Request example
$ curl -X POST '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/detect' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -d '{
    "image": {


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.faceDetailCount int O 1 Number of faces recognized
data.faceDetails[].bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face detected in the image
data.faceDetails[].bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.faceDetails[].bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.faceDetails[].bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.faceDetails[].bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.faceDetails[].landmarks array O - Facial characteristics
data.faceDetails[].landmarks[].type string O "leftEye" List of valid values:
"leftEye", "rightEye", "nose", "leftLip", "rightLip"
data.faceDetails[].landmarks[].y float O 0.362 y coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.faceDetails[].landmarks[].x float O 0.362 x coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.faceDetails[].orientation object 0.362 Face angle
data.faceDetails[].orientation.x float 15.303436 Face left/right angle(Yaw)
data.faceDetails[].orientation.y float -9.222179 Face up/down angle(Pitch)
data.faceDetails[].orientation.z float -7.97249 Face angle compared to level surface(Roll)
data.faceDetails[].mask boolean false Whether to wear a mask
data.faceDetails[].confidence float O 99.9123 Face recognition confidence
Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": {
        "faceDetailCount": 1,
        "faceDetails": [{
            "bbox": {
                "x0": 0.36,
                "y0": 0.21,
                "x1": 0.612,
                "y1": 0.715
            "landmarks": [{
                    "type": "leftEye",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "rightEye",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "nose",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "leftLip",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                }, {
                    "type": "rightLip",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
            "orientation": {
                "x": 15.303436,
                "y": -9.222179,
                "z": -7.97249
            "mask": false,
            "confidence": 99.8945155187

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-45020 ImageTooLargeException Image size exceeded
-45030 InvalidImageBytesException Invalid image bytes. Mainly due to incorrect Base64 encoding
-45040 InvalidImageFormatException Unsupported image format
-45050 InvalidImageURLException Invalid image URL
-45060 ImageTimeoutError Image download timeout
-45080 InvalidImageFileException Invalid image file format
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Register face

  • This API registers the face recognized from the input image to a certain group.
  • Recognizes the face box from the input image, and extracts the facial characteristics from the face box as vectors. As for the input image and the face recognized from the input image, neither is saved.
  • Extracted vector data gets saved in the database after encryption.
  • The saved vector data gets used as characteristic vectors for the Search face by face IDand Search face by image APIs.
  • The input image can be delivered via Base64-encoded image bytes or image url.
  • To find out more about input image, see Input Image Guide.
  • 'imageId' is a value given for the input image, and the 'externalImageId' is a value which can be directly given by the user. The user can utilize 'imageId' and 'externalImageId' to perform labeling for the image or face ID from the user-end, and they can also be used on their own like indexes.
  • 'imageId' and 'externalImageId' are returned from the response of the Face list within a group and Search face by face ID and Search face by image APIs.
  • Up to 100,000 faces can be registered per single group.



Method URI
POST /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey
group-id Group ID registered by user

[Request Body]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
image object O - Image to use for face recognition
image.url string "https://..." Image URL
image.bytes blob "/0j3Ohdk==..." Base64-encoded Image bytes
externalImageId string [a-z0-9-]{1,255} "image01.jsp" Values provided by user to create a label for an image or face ID
limit int O 1 ~ 20 3 Max number of faces to register in the group after sorting the faces recognized from the input image in order of largest to smallest
orientation bool true true, false false Whether to use face orientation recognition function
mask bool true true, false false Whether to use the mask wear recognition function
  • Must have only one of either image.url or image.bytes.
Request example
$ curl -X POST '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -d '{
    "image": {
        "url": "https://..."
    "externalImageId": "image01.jpg",
    "limit": 3


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.modelVersion string O "v1.0" Face recognition model info
data.addedFaceCount int O 1 Number of faces registered
data.addedFaces[].bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face detected in the image
data.addedFaces[].bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.addedFaces[].bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.addedFaces[].bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.addedFaces[].bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.addedFaces[].faceId string O "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd" Face ID
data.addedFaces[].imageId string O "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92" Image ID
There can be multiple face IDs per image ID
data.addedFaces[].externalImageId string "image01.jpg" Values delivered by request
data.addedFaces[].confidence float O 99.9123 Face recognition confidence
data.addedFaceDetails[].bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face detected in the image
data.addedFaceDetails[].bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.addedFaceDetails[].bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.addedFaceDetails[].bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.addedFaceDetails[].bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.addedFaceDetails[].landmarks array O - Facial characteristics
data.addedFaceDetails[].landmarks[].type string O "leftEye" List of valid values:
"leftEye", "rightEye", "nose", "leftLip", "rightLip"
data.addedFaceDetails[].landmarks[].y float O 0.362 y coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.addedFaceDetails[].landmarks[].x float O 0.362 x coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.addedFaceDetails[].orientation object 0.362 Face angle
data.addedFaceDetails[].orientation.x float 15.303436 Face left/right angle(Yaw)
data.addedFaceDetails[].orientation.y float -9.222179 Face up/down angle(Pitch)
data.addedFaceDetails[].orientation.z float -7.97249 Face angle compared to level surface(Roll)
data.addedFaceDetails[].mask boolean false Whether to wear a mask
data.addedFaceDetails[].confidence float O 99.9123 Face recognition confidence
data.notAddedFaceCount int O 1 Number of faces not registered
data.notAddedFaces[].bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face detected in the image
data.notAddedFaces[].bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.notAddedFaces[].bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.notAddedFaces[].bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.notAddedFaces[].bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.notAddedFaces[].landmarks array O - Facial characteristics
data.notAddedFaces[].landmarks[].type string O "leftEye" List of valid values:
"leftEye", "rightEye", "nose", "leftLip", "rightLip"
data.notAddedFaces[].landmarks[].x float O 0.362 x coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.notAddedFaces[].landmarks[].y float O 0.362 y coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.notAddedFaces[].orientation object 0.362 Face angle
data.notAddedFaces[].orientation.x float 15.303436 Face left/right angle(Yaw)
data.notAddedFaces[].orientation.y float -9.222179 Face up/down angle(Pitch)
data.notAddedFaces[].orientation.z float -7.97249 Face angle compared to level surface(Roll)
data.notAddedFaces[].mask boolean false Whether to wear a mask
data.notAddedFaces[].confidence float O 99.9123 Face recognition confidence
  • data.addedFacesDetails is the detailed information of data.addedFaces, which does not include duplicate elements and is not stored separately.
Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": {
        "modelVersion": "v1.0",
        "addedFaceCount": 1,
        "addedFaces": [{

            "faceId": "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92",
            "imageId": "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd",
            "externalImageId": "image01.jpg",
            "bbox": {
                "x0": 0.36,
                "y0": 0.21,
                "x1": 0.612,
                "y1": 0.715
            "confidence": 99.8945155187

        "addedFaceDetails": [{

            "bbox": {
                "x0": 0.36,
                "y0": 0.21,
                "x1": 0.612,
                "y1": 0.715
            "landmarks": [{
                    "type": "leftEye",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "rightEye",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "nose",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "leftLip",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                }, {
                    "type": "rightLip",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
            "orientation": {
                "x": 15.303436,
                "y": -9.222179,
                "z": -7.97249
            "mask": false,
            "confidence": 99.8945155187


        "notAddedFaceCount": 1,
        "notAddedFaces": [{

            "bbox": {
                "x0": 0.36,
                "y0": 0.21,
                "x1": 0.612,
                "y1": 0.715
            "landmarks": [{
                    "type": "leftEye",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "rightEye",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "nose",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                    "type": "leftLip",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
                }, {
                    "type": "rightLip",
                    "x": 0.415,
                    "y": 0.513
            "orientation": {
                "x": 15.303436,
                "y": -9.222179,
                "z": -7.97249
            "mask": false,
            "confidence": 99.8945155187



Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
40070 ServiceQuotaExceededPartialSuccessException Not all faces were registered because the max number of faces allowed for a single group has been exceeded
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-40070 ServiceQuotaExceededException Exceeds the max number of faces which can be registered for a single group
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-45020 ImageTooLargeException Image size exceeded
-45030 InvalidImageBytesException Invalid image bytes. Mainly due to incorrect Base64 encoding
-45040 InvalidImageFormatException Unsupported image format
-45050 InvalidImageURLException Invalid image URL
-45060 ImageTimeoutError Image download timeout
-45080 InvalidImageFileException Invalid image file format
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Delete Face

  • This API deletes specific registered faces from the group.



Method URI
DELETE /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/faces/{face-id}

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey
group-id Group ID registered by user
face-id Registered face ID
Request example
$ curl -X DELETE '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/faces/{face-id}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' 


Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-40050 NotFoundFaceIDError Could not find the face ID
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

List of Faces within Group

  • This API views the face info list registered for a specific group.
  • Returns the face info array in order of most recently registered.



Method URI
GET /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/faces

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey
group-id Group ID registered by user

[URL Parameter]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
limit int O 1 ~ 200 100 Max size
next-token string "skljsdioew..." Value returned from 'Group list response body data'
If the result is partially truncated, the next-token can be used to bring the rest of the result
  • Caution
    • In the beginning, the next-token cannot exist.
    • The token may disappear at a specific time or under specific conditions.
    • Upon issuing the token, the limit becomes fixed.
  • Scenario example

  • Initial query

Request example
$ curl -X GET '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/faces?limit={limit}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' 
  • Requested using the next-token contained in the 'Group list response body data'
Request example
$ curl -X GET '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/faces?limit={limit}&next-token={next-token}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' 
  • If the next-token exists, the limit cannot be changed, and it is auto-set to the value from when the token was issued


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.modelVersion string O "v1.0" Face recognition model info
data.faceCount int O 2 Number of faces registered in the group
data.faces[].bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face in the image used for face registration
data.faces[].bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.faces[].bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.faces[].bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.faces[].bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.faces[].confidence float O 99.9123 Recognition confidence of a face in the image used for face registration
data.faces[].faceId string O "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd" Face ID
data.faces[].imageId string O "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92" Image ID
There can be multiple face IDs per image ID
data.faces[].externalImageId string "image01.jpg" Values registered in the image by user
data.nextToken string O "dlkj-210jwoivndslko9d..." Token to be used for paging
If the result is partially truncated, the next-token can be used to bring the rest of the result
Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": {
        "modelVersion": "v1.0",
        "faceCount": 2,
        "faces": [{
                "faceId": "17db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92",
                "imageId": "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd",
                "externalImageId": "image01.jpg",
                "bbox": {
                    "x0": 0.36,
                    "y0": 0.21,
                    "x1": 0.612,
                    "y1": 0.715
                "confidence": 99.8945155187
                "faceId": "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92",
                "imageId": "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd",
                "externalImageId": "image01.jpg",
                "bbox": {
                    "x0": 0.36,
                    "y0": 0.21,
                    "x1": 0.612,
                    "y1": 0.715
                "confidence": 99.8945155187

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-40040 InvalidTokenError Invalid token used
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Search face by face ID

  • This API searches for faces from a specific group using the face ID.
  • Returns the array of the face info in order of the most to least similar.



Method URI
GET /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/faces/{face-id}

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey
group-id Group ID registered by user
face-id Face ID to compare

[URL Parameter]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
limit int O 1 ~ 4096 100 Max value to find
threshold int O 1 ~ 100 90 A similarity reference value that determines a match
Request example
$ curl -X GET '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/faces/{face-id}?limit={limit}&threshold={threshold}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' 


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.matchFaceCount int O 2 Number of faces matching the largest face detected in the input image
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face in the image used for face registration
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchFaces[].face.confidence float O 99.9123 Recognition confidence of a face in the image used for face registration
data.matchFaces[].face.faceId string O "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd" Face ID
data.matchFaces[].face.imageId string O "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92" Image ID
There can be multiple face IDs per image ID
data.matchFaces[].face.externalImageId string "image01.jpg" Values registered in the image by user
data.matchFaces[].similarity float O 98.156 Similarity value between 0 and 100
Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": {
        "matchFaceCount": 2,
        "matchFaces": [{
                "face": {
                    "faceId": "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92",
                    "imageId": "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd",
                    "externalImageId": "image01.jpg",
                    "bbox": {
                        "x0": 0.36,
                        "y0": 0.21,
                        "x1": 0.612,
                        "y1": 0.715
                    "confidence": 99.8945155187
                "similarity": 99.8945155187
                "face": {
                    "faceId": "17db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92",
                    "imageId": "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd",
                    "externalImageId": "image01.jpg",
                    "bbox": {
                        "x0": 0.36,
                        "y0": 0.21,
                        "x1": 0.612,
                        "y1": 0.715
                    "confidence": 99.8945155187
                "similarity": 79.8945155187

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-40050 NotFoundFaceIDError Could not find the face ID
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Search face by image

  • Uses the largest face recognized from the input image to compare if it matches a face from a specific group.
  • The input image can be delivered via Base64-encoded image bytes or image url.
  • To find out more about input image, see Input Image Guide.
  • Returns the array of the face info in order of the most to least similar.



Method URI
POST /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/search

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey
group-id Group id registered by user

[URL Parameter]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
limit int O 1 ~ 4096 100 Max value to find
threshold int O 1 ~ 100 90 A similarity reference value that determines a match

[Request Body]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
image object O - Image to use for face recognition
image.url string "https://..." Image URL
image.bytes blob "/0j3Ohdk==..." Base64-encoded Image bytes
orientation bool true true, false false Whether to use face orientation recognition function
mask bool true true, false false Whether to use the mask wear recognition function
  • Must have only one of either image.url or image.bytes.
Request example
$ curl -X POST '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/groups/{group-id}/search?limit={limit}&threshold={threshold}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -d '{
    "image": {
        "url": "https://..."


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.matchFaceCount int O 2 Number of faces matching the largest face detected in the input image
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face in the image used for face registration
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchFaces[].face.bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchFaces[].face.confidence float O 99.9123 Recognition confidence of a face in the image used for face registration
data.matchFaces[].face.faceId string O "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd" Face ID
data.matchFaces[].face.imageId string O "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92" Image ID
There can be multiple face IDs per image ID
data.matchFaces[].face.externalImageId string "image01.jpg" Values registered in the image by user
data.matchFaces[].similarity float O 98.156 Similarity value between 0 and 100
data.sourceFace.bbox object O - Bounding box information of the largest face detected in the input image
data.sourceFace.bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.landmarks array O - Facial characteristics
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].type string O "leftEye" List of valid values:
"leftEye", "rightEye", "nose", "leftLip", "rightLip"
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].y float O 0.362 y coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].x float O 0.362 x coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.sourceFace.orientation object 0.362 Face angle
data.sourceFace.orientation.x float 15.303436 Face left/right angle(Yaw)
data.sourceFace.orientation.y float -9.222179 Face up/down angle(Pitch)
data.sourceFace.orientation.z float -7.97249 Face angle compared to level surface(Roll)
data.sourceFace.mask boolean false Whether to wear a mask
data.sourceFace.confidence float O 99.9123 Recognition confidence of the largest face detected in the input image
Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": {
        "modelVersion": "v1.0",
        "matchFaceCount": 2,
        "matchFaces": [{
                "face": {
                    "faceId": "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92",
                    "imageId": "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd",
                    "externalImageId": "image01.jpg",
                    "bbox": {
                        "x0": 0.36,
                        "y0": 0.21,
                        "x1": 0.612,
                        "y1": 0.715
                    "confidence": 99.8945155187
                "similarity": 99.8945155187
                "face": {
                    "faceId": "17db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92",
                    "imageId": "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd",
                    "externalImageId": "image01.jpg",
                    "bbox": {
                        "x0": 0.36,
                        "y0": 0.21,
                        "x1": 0.612,
                        "y1": 0.715
                    "confidence": 99.8945155187
                "similarity": 79.8945155187
        "sourceFace": {
            "bbox": {
                "x0": 0.26785714285714285,
                "y0": 0.22767857142857142,
                "x1": 0.7366071428571429,
                "y1": 0.8660714285714286
            "landmarks": [
                    "type": "leftEye",
                    "x": 0.39285714285714285,
                    "y": 0.47767857142857145
                    "type": "rightEye",
                    "x": 0.6071428571428571,
                    "y": 0.4732142857142857
                    "type": "nose",
                    "x": 0.5,
                    "y": 0.6026785714285714
                    "type": "leftLip",
                    "x": 0.41964285714285715,
                    "y": 0.7276785714285714
                    "type": "rightLip",
                    "x": 0.5758928571428571,
                    "y": 0.7276785714285714
            "orientation": {
                "x": 1.400425,
                "y": 6.624787,
                "z": -2.08028
            "mask": false,
            "confidence": 0.999894

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-45020 ImageTooLargeException Image size exceeded
-45030 InvalidImageBytesException Invalid image bytes. Mainly due to incorrect Base64 encoding
-45040 InvalidImageFormatException Unsupported image format
-45050 InvalidImageURLException Invalid image URL
-45060 ImageTimeoutError Image download timeout
-45080 InvalidImageFileException Invalid image file format
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Compare faces

  • Compares the similarity of the faces recognized from the reference image(sourceImage) and comparison image(targetImage).
  • Out of the faces recognized from the reference image, only the largest face(source face) is used.
  • The input image can be delivered via Base64-encoded image bytes or image url.
  • To find out more about input image, see Input Image Guide.
  • Returns the array of the face info in order of the most to least similar.



Method URI
POST /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/compare

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey

[URL Parameter]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
threshold int O 1 ~ 100 90 A similarity reference value that determines a match

[Request Body]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
sourceImage object O - Reference image for facial comparison
sourceImage.url string "https://..." Image URL
sourceImage.bytes blob "/0j3Ohdk==..." Base64-encoded Image bytes
targetImage object O - Image containing the target face for comparison
targetImage.url string "https://..." Image URL
targetImage.bytes blob "/0j3Ohdk==..." Base64-encoded Image bytes
orientation bool true true, false false Whether to use face orientation recognition function
mask bool true true, false false Whether to use the mask wear recognition function
  • Must have only one of either sourceImage.url or sourceImage.bytes.
  • Must have only one of either targetImage.url or targetImage.bytes.
Request example
$ curl -X POST '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/compare?threshold={threshold}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -d '{
    "sourceImage": {
        "url": "https://..."
    "targetImage": {
        "url": "https://..."


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.modelVersion string O "v1.0" Face recognition model info
data.matchedFaceDetailCount int O 1 Number of matched faces
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face detected in the image
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.landmarks array O - Facial characteristics
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.landmarks[].type string O "leftEye" List of valid values:
"leftEye", "rightEye", "nose", "leftLip", "rightLip"
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.landmarks[].x float O 0.362 x coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.landmarks[].y float O 0.362 y coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.orientation object 0.362 Face angle
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.orientation.x float 15.303436 Face left/right angle(Yaw)
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.orientation.y float -9.222179 Face up/down angle(Pitch)
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.orientation.z float -7.97249 Face angle compared to level surface(Roll)
data.matchedFaceDetails[].mask boolean false Whether to wear a mask
data.matchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.confidence float O 99.9123 Face recognition confidence
data.matchedFaceDetails[].similarity float O 98.156 Similarity value between 0 and 100
data.unmatchedFaceDetailCount int O 1 Number of unmatched faces
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face detected in the image
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.landmarks array O - Facial characteristics
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.landmarks[].type string O "leftEye" List of valid values:
"leftEye", "rightEye", "nose", "leftLip", "rightLip"
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.landmarks[].x float O 0.362 x coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.landmarks[].y float O 0.362 y coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.orientation object 0.362 Face angle
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.orientation.x float 15.303436 Face left/right angle(Yaw)
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.orientation.y float -9.222179 Face up/down angle(Pitch)
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.orientation.z float -7.97249 Face angle compared to level surface(Roll)
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].mask boolean false Whether to wear a mask
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].faceDetail.confidence float O 99.9123 Face recognition confidence
data.unmatchedFaceDetails[].similarity float O 98.156 Similarity value between 0 and 100
data.sourceFace.bbox object O - Bounding box information of the largest face detected in the input image
data.sourceFace.bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.landmarks array O - Facial characteristics
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].type string O "leftEye" List of valid values:
"leftEye", "rightEye", "nose", "leftLip", "rightLip"
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].y float O 0.362 y coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].x float O 0.362 x coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.sourceFace.orientation object 0.362 Face angle
data.sourceFace.orientation.x float 15.303436 Face left/right angle(Yaw)
data.sourceFace.orientation.y float -9.222179 Face up/down angle(Pitch)
data.sourceFace.orientation.z float -7.97249 Face angle compared to level surface(Roll)
data.sourceFace.mask boolean false Whether to wear a mask
data.sourceFace.confidence float O 99.9123 Recognition confidence of the largest face detected in the input image
Response body example
    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": {
        "modelVersion": "v1.0",
        "matchedFaceDetailCount": 2,
        "matchedFaceDetails": [{
            "faceDetail": {
                "bbox": {
                    "x0": 0.36,
                    "y0": 0.21,
                    "x1": 0.612,
                    "y1": 0.715
                "landmarks": [{
                        "type": "leftEye",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                        "type": "rightEye",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                        "type": "nose",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                        "type": "leftLip",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                    }, {
                        "type": "rightLip",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                "orientation": {
                    "x": 15.303436,
                    "y": -9.222179,
                    "z": -7.97249
                "mask": false,
                "confidence": 99.8945155187
            "similarity": 90.654
        }, {
            "faceDetail": {
                "bbox": {
                    "x0": 0.36,
                    "y0": 0.21,
                    "x1": 0.612,
                    "y1": 0.715
                "landmarks": [{
                        "type": "leftEye",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                        "type": "rightEye",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                        "type": "nose",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                        "type": "leftLip",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                    }, {
                        "type": "rightLip",
                        "x": 0.415,
                        "y": 0.513
                "orientation": {
                    "x": 15.303436,
                    "y": -9.222179,
                    "z": -7.97249
                "mask": false,
                "confidence": 99.8945155187
            "similarity": 90.654
        "unmatchedFaceDetailCount": 1,
        "unmatchedFaceDetails": [{
                "faceDetail": {
                    "bbox": {
                        "x0": 0.36,
                        "y0": 0.21,
                        "x1": 0.612,
                        "y1": 0.715
                    "landmarks": [{
                            "type": "leftEye",
                            "x": 0.415,
                            "y": 0.513
                            "type": "rightEye",
                            "x": 0.415,
                            "y": 0.513
                            "type": "nose",
                            "x": 0.415,
                            "y": 0.513
                            "type": "leftLip",
                            "x": 0.415,
                            "y": 0.513
                        }, {
                            "type": "rightLip",
                            "x": 0.415,
                            "y": 0.513
                    "orientation": {
                        "x": 15.303436,
                        "y": -9.222179,
                        "z": -7.97249
                    "mask": false,
                    "confidence": 99.8945155187
                "similarity": 60.654

        "sourceFace": {
            "bbox": {
                "x0": 0.26785714285714285,
                "y0": 0.22767857142857142,
                "x1": 0.7366071428571429,
                "y1": 0.8660714285714286
            "landmarks": [
                    "type": "leftEye",
                    "x": 0.39285714285714285,
                    "y": 0.47767857142857145
                    "type": "rightEye",
                    "x": 0.6071428571428571,
                    "y": 0.4732142857142857
                    "type": "nose",
                    "x": 0.5,
                    "y": 0.6026785714285714
                    "type": "leftLip",
                    "x": 0.41964285714285715,
                    "y": 0.7276785714285714
                    "type": "rightLip",
                    "x": 0.5758928571428571,
                    "y": 0.7276785714285714
            "orientation": {
                "x": 1.400425,
                "y": 6.624787,
                "z": -2.08028
            "mask": false,
            "confidence": 0.999894

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-45020 ImageTooLargeException Image size exceeded
-45030 InvalidImageBytesException Invalid image bytes. Mainly due to incorrect Base64 encoding
-45040 InvalidImageFormatException Unsupported image format
-45050 InvalidImageURLException Invalid image URL
-45060 ImageTimeoutError Image download timeout
-45080 InvalidImageFileException Invalid image file format
-50000 InternalServerError Server error

Face Verification

  • This function compares the face ID of a specific face registered in advance with the face detected in the input image and returns a similarity value.
  • Use Register Face to a created group to register faces.
  • Only the largest face detected in the input image is used.
  • The input image can be delivered via Base64-encoded image bytes or image url.
  • To find out more about input image, see Input Image Guide.



Method URI
POST /nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/verify/groups/{group-id}/faces/{face-id}

[Path Variable]

Name Description
appKey Integrated Appkey or service Appkey
group-id Group ID registered by user
face-id Registered face ID

[Request Body]

Name Type Required Default value Valid range Example Description
compareImage object O - Image to use for face validation
compareImage.url string "https://..." Image URL
compareImage.bytes blob "/0j3Ohdk==..." Base64-encoded Image bytes
orientation bool true true, false false Whether to use face orientation recognition function
mask bool true true, false false Whether to use the mask wear recognition function
  • Must have only either compareImage.url or compareImage.bytes
Request example
$ curl -X POST '{domain}/nhn-face-reco/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/verify/groups/{group-id}/faces/{face-id}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -d '{
    "compareImage": {
        "url": "https://..."


[Response body data]

Name Type Required Example Description
data.similarity float O 98.156 Similarity value between 0 and 100
data.face object O - A face registered using face registration API
data.face.bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face detected in the image
data.face.bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.face.bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.face.bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.face.bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.face.confidence float O 99.9123 Face recognition confidence
data.face.faceId string O "9297db50-d4f2-c6b8-ea05-edf2013089fd" Face ID
data.face.imageId string O "87db50d4-f2c6-b8ea-05ed-9f201309fd92" Image ID
There can be multiple face IDs per image ID
data.face.externalImageId string "image01.jpg" Values registered in the image by user
data.sourceFace object O - The image delivered to Request Body
data.sourceFace.bbox object O - Bounding box information of a face detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.x0 float O 0.123 x0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.y0 float O 0.123 y0 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.x1 float O 0.123 x1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.bbox.y1 float O 0.123 y1 coordinates of the face box detected in the image
data.sourceFace.landmarks array O - Facial characteristics
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].type string O "leftEye" List of valid values:
"leftEye", "rightEye", "nose", "leftLip", "rightLip"
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].y float O 0.362 y coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.sourceFace.landmarks[].x float O 0.362 x coordinate of the facial characteristic
data.sourceFace.orientation object 0.362 Face angle
data.sourceFace.orientation.x float 15.303436 Face left/right angle(Yaw)
data.sourceFace.orientation.y float -9.222179 Face up/down angle(Pitch)
data.sourceFace.orientation.z float -7.97249 Face angle compared to level surface(Roll)
data.sourceFace.mask boolean false Whether to wear a mask
data.sourceFace.confidence float O 99.9123 Face recognition confidence
Response body example
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success"
    "data": {
        "similarity": 87.074165,
        "face": {
            "bbox": {
                "x0": 0.828,
                "y0": 0.07829181494661921,
                "x1": 0.886,
                "y1": 0.2117437722419929
            "confidence": 0.998737,
            "faceId": "bd21a5d1-64bc-4723-a041-71d720fe56d8",
            "imageId": "165b63c9-9564-4a65-b3f6-7bb64d4fe9f9",
            "externalImageId": "user-defined-external-image-id"
        "sourceFace": {
            "bbox": {
                "x0": 0.26785714285714285,
                "y0": 0.22767857142857142,
                "x1": 0.7366071428571429,
                "y1": 0.8660714285714286
            "landmarks": [
                    "type": "leftEye",
                    "x": 0.39285714285714285,
                    "y": 0.47767857142857145
                    "type": "rightEye",
                    "x": 0.6071428571428571,
                    "y": 0.4732142857142857
                    "type": "nose",
                    "x": 0.5,
                    "y": 0.6026785714285714
                    "type": "leftLip",
                    "x": 0.41964285714285715,
                    "y": 0.7276785714285714
                    "type": "rightLip",
                    "x": 0.5758928571428571,
                    "y": 0.7276785714285714
            "orientation": {
                "x": 1.400425,
                "y": 6.624787,
                "z": -2.08028
            "mask": false,
            "confidence": 0.999286

Error Codes

resultCode resultMessage Description
-40000 InvalidParam The parameter contains an error
-40030 NotFoundGroupError Could not find the group ID
-40050 NotFoundFaceIDError Could not find the face ID
-41000 UnauthorizedAppKey Unauthorized Appkey
-45020 ImageTooLargeException Image size exceeded
-45030 InvalidImageBytesException Invalid image bytes. Mainly due to incorrect Base64 encoding
-45040 InvalidImageFormatException Unsupported image format
-45050 InvalidImageURLException Invalid image URL
-45060 ImageTimeoutError Image download timeout
-45080 InvalidImageFileException Invalid image file format
-50000 InternalServerError Server error